Thursday, January 06, 2011

Favorite Plugins

Firefox Plugins for Web Development
- ColorZilla # color picker
- Firebug # CSS / HTML / JS debugger
- Firecookie # cookie info for firebug
- JSONView # Pretty JSON viewer
- RESTClient # GET and POST to restful interfaces
- Selenium IDE # Create tests you can replay in the browser
- Tamper Data # Allow one to tamper with headers and POST vars the client sends
- View Source Chart # Pretty HTML viewer
- Web Developer # Web developer tools
- GMarks # google bookmars sync
- LIVE HTTP headers # view http headers
- SQLite Manager # manage SQLite db files
- YSlow # Yahoo performance tool
- SearchStatus # find website rankings

Thunderbird Plugins for Google Sync
- Lightening # Calendar plugin
- google_contacts # sync google contacts
- CalDev sync google calendar #

Eclipse Plugins
- Pydev # python web development
- Subclipse # subversion for eclipse
- Egit # git plugin for eclipse
- m2eclipse # maven plugin for Java package management
- IndentGuide  # nice guidelines for code indenting

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