Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Find Usage

"Grep" through each file in a directory:
ls xargs grep -i 'STRING'

List all directories and subdirectories in a directory
find . -type d

List all files in a directory no recursion
# workaround for "parameter list is too long".
find . \( ! -name . -prune \) -name 'STRING*' -print
find . -maxdepth 1 -name 'STRING*' -print # GNU find only

Remove all files in a directory no recursion
# workaround for "parameter list is too long".
find . \( ! -name . -prune \) -name 'STRING*' -print -exec rm {} \;

Find a file with a given inode and delete it
ls -lai # lists the inodes next to the files
find . -inum 12345 -exec rm {} \; # finds and removes by inode


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