Wednesday, August 07, 2024

systemd advanced topics

Basic Commands

# start / stop
systemctl start myservice
systemctl stop service

# reload after making changes to systemd unit files
# note: a reboot also does this
systemctl daemon-reload

# list dependencies of everything
systemctl  list-dependencies

# list dependencies for a given unit file
systemctl list-dependencies myservice.service

# list reverse dependencies  for a given unit file
systemctl list-dependencies myservice.service --reverse --all


Location of unit files

Location of OS installed unit files (so users don't break the system)

Location of  runtime systemd unit files

Various types of unit files ".target", ".service", ".path", ".mount", etc

.target = is like a "runlevel" - it lets you tie many unit files under it so you can enable/disable entire groups of things at once

.service = is a running process.

.path = lets you watch for changes to a path using inotify, and then trigger another unit file

.mount = lets you mount filesystems using systemd. /etc/fstab is automatically turned into unit files

and more...

Sections of a unit file

[Unit]  Metadata and trigger ordering dependencies

Description = description about the unit file

Before = ensures that units specified here are triggered before this unit

After = units listed here are triggered after this unit

Requires = list of units that must be running/completed before this one

Wants = similar to requires but ignores units that are not found or fail

[Install]  Metadata and trigger ordering dependencies

WantedBy = reverse dependency for "wants". units listed here must wait for this unit to run/complete before they can run

RequriedBy = reverse dependency for "requires".

Activating the Install section

Items listed in the [Install] section do not take affect until you run "systemctl enable myservice.service". Or conversely "systemctl disable myservice.service".  For example, say you have a unit file as such:

Description = myservice.service

WantedBy =
RequiredBy =

When you run "systemctl enable myservice.service", a symlink to this unit file will be created in /etc/systemd/system/ and in /etc/systemd/system/ This will make the dependency take effect.

Note: if the /etc/systemd/system/ dir does not exist, it will be created
Note: this also works for all types unit files (e.g, you can run 'systemctl enable myservice.path')

[Target | Service | Path | Mount | etc] Type specific unit file configuration

# Types:
# simple = "will consider the unit started immediately after the main service process has been forked off"
# oneshot = "is similar to simple; however, the service manager will consider the unit up after the main process exits."
Type = simple
# If True, service shall be considered active even when all its processes exited.
RemainAfterExit =

# command to run
ExecStart = /bin/bash -c 'echo hi'

Waits for a path to create or update

Conditionally starting a service

Two types: 
- Conditions fail (quietly) if a unit is run and a condition is not met.  
- Asserts fail and return an error

Run if file exists and not empty 

ConditionPathExists = /opt/empty.txt
ConditionFileNotEmpty = /opt/empty.txt

Run if file exists and not empty 

[Unit] ConditionPathExists =! /opt/empty.txt 

Run if either abc.txt or def.txt exists and user is root

[Unit] ConditionPathExists=| /tmp/abc.txt ConditionPathExists=| /tmp/def.txt ConditionUser = root

List of conditions 

Path unit: Running unit based on path

Example unit file

Description="Trigger unit based on /tmp/test path"

# other options PathExists=, PathExistsGlob=, PathChanged=, PathModified=, DirectoryNotEmpty=

